▷ PLANES DE RENDEROS » Discover what to see and do.

If you want to spend another weekend surrounded by good weather and nature, Planes de Renderos is ideal. Here nature and its different ecological parks make it a favorite destination for nationals and foreigners.

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Planes de Renderos is a town of great tourist importance for the Department of San Salvador. Here nature and its different ecological parks make it a favorite destination for nationals and foreigners.

The exciting thing is that it does not belong to a particular municipality, but its pre-Columbian historical richness can be seen in each street. If you want to know what you can see and do in Planes de Renderos, take note and get ready to discover all these small town offers.

Planes de Renderos

PLANES DE RENDEROS - Villages of El Salvador. Photo by PetrohsW. Wikimedia Commons.

Data from Planes de Renderos

Country:El Salvador
Department:San Salvador
Surface:8,2 km²

Location of Planes de Renderos

Location of the Rendero Plans
Location of the Planes de Renderos

What to see and visit in Planes de Renderos

Planes de Renderos is the destination you should choose if you want to spend another weekend surrounded by good weather and nature. You will find training for the whole family and, above all, different recreational spaces.

What to see in Planes de Renderos. Poor Clare Monastery.
What to see in Planes de Renderos. Poor Clare Monastery. Photo by Mauriciopozo99. Wikimedia Commons.

The tour starts right on the road, where from the entrance, you can see approximately 24 sculptures of different animals on the sides. These were built in 2019 and are becoming increasingly famous among tourists.

From here, you can feel how the atmosphere is transformed as if it were a town full of culture and mysticism. And it is not for less since its tourist attractions include handicrafts and gastronomy.

As an ecological park surrounded by myths and legends, such as La Puerta del Diablo Park, this is the highest point of Planes de Renderos. Its formation comprises volcanic rocks at 1,131 meters above sea level in the middle of Cerro El Chulo.

Visit Puerta del Diablo in El Salvador.
Visit Puerta del Diablo in El Salvador. Photo by Gerson Rodriguez at Pixabay.

Balboa Park is another of the region’s attractions, and it is not for less. From the entrance, you can see different pre-Columbian monuments. Such as the Monument to the God of the Spell, the Goddess of Rain, and the God of Fire.

All scattered around the park and in which also converge, an Obelisk and the Monument to the Proceres. The latter included decades after its construction in 1949.

Another place to visit is the Parque de la Familia (Family Park), where you will find mechanical games and areas for cultural and sports activities. It is open to the public from Friday to Sunday.

Visit Planes de Renderos.
Visit Planes de Renderos. Photo by Amber. Flickr.

Finally, we can not fail to invite you to visit El Mirador, considered the best in San Salvador. From there, you can easily observe Ilopango Lake, the San Salvador Volcano, and the Cerro de las Pavas.

History and characteristics

The history of Planes de Renderos is more constituted by the folklore of its inhabitants than by historical data. According to tradition, the town is named after Mr. Rosendo Renderos, a Spanish agronomist.

He found in these lands the perfect place to plant oranges that, undoubtedly, he could grow without problems, thanks to the climate. Now, the man had a daughter of incredible beauty, which a man on horseback visited during the night.

Sanctuary of Nuestra Señora de Fátima.
Sanctuary of Nuestra Señora de Fátima. Photo by Mauriciopozo99. Wikimedia Commons.

Sir Renderos, worried for his safety, took courage and, together with some indigenous people, waited to catch the man. At nightfall, the horseman appeared, and they chased him until they saw him crash into one of the rocks on Cerro El Chulo, forming what is known today as La Puerta Del Diablo.

In any case, Planes de Renderos currently enjoys the title of Urbanization and not a canton as it was until a few years ago. Its primary economic activity is tourism, agriculture, the timber industry, and handicrafts.

It is administered by three municipalities: San Marcos, Panchimalco, and San Salvador. With an area of 8.2 km2 and given its altitude, it has a climate with temperatures that vary between 16 °C and 26 °C.

Patron saint festivities and gastronomy

In Planes de Renderos, there are two festivals of great importance for its inhabitants. The first and most significant is in honor of its patron saint, San Antonio de Padua, and they take place on June 12 and 13 every year.

Festivities in the Planes de Renderos.
Festivities in the Planes de Renderos. Photo by Mauriciopozo99. Wikimedia Commons.

The festivities begin with fireworks at dawn, then give way to religious events and cultural manifestations. They culminate with the traditional Burning of Toritos and Burning of Chinese Lights.

The second patronal feast is in honor of the Virgin of Fatima. Processions with palms are carried out on the Sunday after May 13, along with other manifestations.

During these dates and throughout the year, Planes de Renderos offers its tourists traditional gastronomic delicacies, and it is even known as the town of pupusódromos. That said, you can taste pupusas of all kinds and other dishes made with corn.

Pupusódromo of Planes de Renderos
Pupusódromo of Planes de Renderos. Photo by vivendi2010. Flickr.

Such is the case of cakes, riguas, and the famous elotes locos. Or sweets such as coconut preserves, punches, nances, and more.

Nearby places to visit

If you want to take a little detour from the road after visiting Planes de Renderos, you can find nearby mountain activities not to be missed. You can stop at El Boquerón National Park and Bicentennial Park.

The latter was formerly known as San Salvador Park. Activities such as hiking, mountain biking, and wildlife watching await you here. Undoubtedly, they are the perfect destinations to end your weekend vacation.

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