▷ ROUTE OF THE 7 WATERFALLS » What to See and Do

The Route of the 7 waterfalls is a tour of approximately 5 hours. You will see waterfalls and pure nature; its impressive landscapes, a great diversity of flora, fauna, and excellent climate stand out.

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El Salvador is a small country that never ceases to impress the world with its variety of activities and tourist destinations. One is the Route of the 7 Waterfalls, which is linked to the Route of the Flowers.

The Route of the 7 Waterfalls is in the municipality of Juayúa, belonging to the department of Sonsonate, specifically in the canton of La Union. It is a 5-hour round trip approximately.

Route of the 7 waterfalls

ROUTE OF THE 7 WATERFALLS - Routes of El Salvador. Photo by Garrett Ziegler. Flickr.

As part of the region’s attractions, its impressive landscapes, a great diversity of flora, fauna, and excellent climate stand out. In short, it is the ideal destination for those who wish to do ecotourism and have an adrenaline-filled experience.

Do you want to know more about the Route of the 7 Waterfalls? Below, you will discover everything you can see during the tour and the activities that await you in each of the most beautiful waterfalls in El Salvador. Let’s get started.

What to see and do in the Route of the 7 Waterfalls

The town of Juayúa dates back to pre-Columbian times. The most impressive thing is that its name has been interpreted in three different ways. The first is “River of the Purple Orchids,” followed by “Where there are trees” and “In the grove.”

Water of the Route of the 7 Waterfalls.
Water of the Route of the 7 Waterfalls. Foto por Jenny Salita Flickr.

Each one perfectly describes its natural beauty, highlighting each of the waterfalls that make up the Route of the 7 Waterfalls. But before getting to know them, you should know that during the tour, you will see 11 waterfalls and not only 7.

That’s because the Route was named after the seven most impressive waterfalls. So get ready, because the tour begins as follows.

1. El Bebedero Waterfall

El Bebedero waterfall is the first one that integrates the Route of the seven waterfalls, and its waterfall is approximately 72 meters high. In its surroundings, you can see many tree species and plants growing among the rocks.

It has rocks in the middle of its course that form small pools where you can enjoy a good swim while you take a break to continue the hike. Likewise, there is an impressive tree between the waterfall and the edge of the trail.

Visit Route of the 7 Waterfalls.
Visit Route of the 7 Waterfalls. Foto por hija del caos. Flickr.

For many, it is ideal for taking pictures of the surroundings before continuing. It is also the waterfall of choice for the more adventurous tourists for activities such as rappelling.

2. El Bejuco Waterfall

El Bejuco is just a little more than 8 meters away and the second of the Route of the 7 Waterfalls. Its height is 40 meters, so the waterfall is less strong or abundant than the previous one.

Some decades ago, the waterfall was much higher and tributary more enormous. Its alteration had its origin in the constant deforestation of its surroundings. Currently, there are environmental movements that fight for the conservation of this natural environment.

3. El Arcoíris Waterfall

To reach the third waterfall, you must follow a dirt path through the jungle until you reach the riverbed. Once in the river, it is necessary to start climbing up the rocks until you get to El Arcoíris.

Climbing in Route of the 7 Waterfalls.
Climbing in Route of the 7 Waterfalls. Foto por Randal Sheppard. Flickr.

This waterfall gets its name from the rainbows that form in its waters. It creates a kind of drizzle that comes in contact with the sun. Although its waterfall is incredible, it does not have a pool where tourists can take a bath before continuing.

But you will be able to enjoy the impressive flora and fauna. For example, it will be straightforward to spot birds, crayfish of average size, and squirrels, among others.

4. El Guiinellal Waterfall

El Guiinellal, better known as La Escarlata waterfall, is another of the waterfalls of the Route of the 7 Waterfalls. Its tributary is much larger than in the case of El Bejuco and El Arcoíris. To such an extent that from the top, you can see how it divides into two parts, thus increasing the current.

Route of the 7 waterfalls.
Route of the 7 waterfalls. Foto por Garrett Ziegler. Flickr.

As you stand facing it, you will see to the right a vast flat rock on which you can lie down. Above it is a small, naturally formed cave surrounded by bushes and vegetation.

Next to it is the area of the most powerful waterfall, followed by a mountainous divide and threads of water falling over a gorgeous rock face.

5. El 98 Waterfall

After El Guiinellal, we find the waterfall El 98, also known as “Beneficio El 98”. The best view can be obtained with the help of a drone, given the difficulty of accessing it.

However, some tours include access to this waterfall by rappel, taking a detour to make the tour of the seven waterfalls more complete.

6. El Borbollón Waterfall

To get to El Borbollón waterfall, you must climb El Guiinellal. Nothing better than this to add a little adrenaline to the tour. This route is dangerous since the rocks are slippery, and the river current gets stronger and stronger.

Routes of El Salvador.
Routes of El Salvador. Foto por Randal Sheppard. Flickr.

The climbing time depends on your agility and physical condition, although it usually takes up to 40 minutes to reach the top. The route becomes much more difficult from here because the rocks are constantly wet.

It should note that the climb is done safely with the help of ropes. Regardless of the steepness of the upgrade, it is an activity that children can do from 10 or 12 years of age. This section of the Route of the 7 Waterfalls can also harm the elderly or people with motor problems.

7. La Cascadita Waterfall

We end the tour of the Route of the 7 Waterfalls at La Cascadita. During the whole route, you will be able to observe how the water flows from the mountain’s interior making each step difficult and extreme. The best thing is that just before arriving, there is a monument from which water comes.

It is Quetzalcoatl, “The Feathered Serpent,” placed there by the pre-Columbian people who inhabited Juayúa. Many legends are told about the monument, and there is nothing better than hearing them from the local guides.

Once you have reached the last waterfall of the route, it is time to take a well-deserved rest and take advantage of an exfoliating mud bath. In addition, you will be able to drink water directly from the waterfall, as it is naturally filtered inside the mountain.

On the other hand, the return is carried out by a trail a few meters from La Cascadita, which is entirely dirt, and from here, there is only forest around until you reach the village.

Visiting tips

If you are ready to live an experience as unique as the one offered by El Salvador in its Route of the 7 Waterfalls, then you can’t miss some of the essential gastronomic dishes of the region.

Views in Route of the 7 Waterfalls.
Views in Route of the 7 Waterfalls. Foto por Randal Sheppard. Flickr.

While Salvadoran tradition includes pupusas, fried yucca, and tamales as iconic dishes, in Juayúa, you will have the opportunity to taste something different. First, we have the chachaguillos, which can be chicken, pork, or beef.

This dish is a variety of tamales, and although it is not stuffed, as usual, it comes wrapped like gypsy arms. The other dish is prepared with a mushroom known in Juayúa as tenquique.

Cut or shredded and sautéed with garlic, onion, and tomato. Generally, they can be accompanied by all kinds of food, including salads. Also, you can enjoy delicious rice chicha and different exotic dishes made with national products.

The best way to enjoy these and other traditional recipes are at the Juayúa Gourmet Festival. It takes place every weekend in the town, making it the perfect time to come and enjoy the Route of the 7 Waterfalls.

Final recommendations

Doing the Route of the 7 Waterfalls implies considering some fundamental aspects that can prevent you from suffering severe accidents during the tour. For this reason and to conclude, we list some recommendations to help you have a better experience. These are:

Route of the 7 Waterfalls in El Salvador.
Route of the 7 Waterfalls in El Salvador. Foto por hija del caos. Flickr.
  • Bring what you need for the tour—water, sunscreen, sunglasses, and a hat or cap.
  • Food. Granola bars, sandwiches, and fruits, among others.
  • Comfortable clothes and shoes. For the tour, you can include a bathing suit or take a bath with the clothes you wear for the outbound phase. But for the return, you will need a change of dry clothes because the return is through an alternate dirt trail. You should bring a pair of hiking or non-skid shoes and have others for the return.
  • Bags. It would help if you carried bags for garbage, cell phones, and cameras.
  • Finally, only hike the 7 Waterfalls Trail with the help of a local guide. Most trails are not marked, so getting lost along the way is very easy if you need to know the area.
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