Meet the 17 typical drinks of El Salvador, which are full not only of a refreshing taste but also tell us about the customs of the pre-Hispanic culture combined with current traditions.

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Sightseeing in El Salvador also enters a universe of customs and traditions, where by far, they highlight the food and drinks that usually accompany them. It is the typical drinks we want to talk about on this occasion.

Nectars are prepared in different ways and with the same technique used by the first settlers of this country, and they are full of wonders. The best thing is that no matter where you want to visit, these are the typical drinks we recommend.

Typical Drinks of El Salvador

TYPICAL DRINKS FROM EL SALVADOR. Photo by @hsoriano via Twenty20.

Typical hot drinks of El Salvador

We begin our tour through the typical hot drinks of El Salvador with the famous atole, a preparation initially made with corn and water, and now we can find it with different fruits and seeds that enhance its flavor.

This traditional drink is part of the oldest gastronomic customs since it has existed for more than V centuries and has been passed from generation to generation.

Historically, atol was an indispensable food in the Mayan culture, and here we present the most common variants that exist today.

1. Toasted corn atol (Atol de Maíz tostado)

If we are talking about typical drinks, we must start with something other than the one that is as old as its tradition. It is Atol de maíz Tostado, which contains cinnamon, pepper, milk, and sugar in addition to its main ingredient.

The result is a drink that is served hot and is ideal to accompany any of the typical Salvadoran meals.

2. Elote Atol

Atol de Elote is just as old as the previous one, except that fresh corn is shelled and ground for its preparation. Then milk, water, and cinnamon are added, and it is ready to serve, either hot or cold.

Should note that this type of atol is usually served at all times, especially during the most important traditional festivities in El Salvador.

Food from El Salvador. Elote atol.
Food from El Salvador. Elote atol. Foto por Garrett Ziegler. Flickr.

3. Pineapple Atol

Pineapple Atol is a typical drink commonly served in Ahuachapán, Sonsonate, and San Vicente, among others. It is because we are talking about a refreshing and tropical fruit ideal to be consumed on the Salvadoran coasts.

In addition to pineapple, its preparation includes pepper, cloves, dulce de panela, cornstarch, or cornstarch. It can be served hot or cold without any problem.

4. Shuco Atol

If you are passing through the department of Usulután or San Miguel, you cannot miss its most emblematic typical drink. Atol Shuco can be sweet or salty and is ideal for the coldest days of the year.

Shuco Atol.
Shuco Atol. Foto por Scott. Flickr.

Unlike other atoles, it is prepared with purple or fermented corn and mixed with alguashte, cooked beans, and chili. Its peculiar flavor varies according to the recipe; in some cases, some add lemon to intensify its bitter taste.

5. Atol Piñuela

Atol piñuela is a unique drink in El Salvador and Central America because although it is a well-known fruit in the shape of a bulb, it is eaten raw in other countries.

Piñuela Atol.
Piñuela Atol. Foto por mswine. Flickr.

That said, for its preparation, the fruits of the piñal are cut and cooked. Then a mixture is made with rice flour, sweet panela, cinnamon, pepper, a pinch of salt, and sugar to taste. Once the mix is ready, add the piñuelas and let it boil until it is prepared.

6. Chilate

Chilate is one of the typical drinks dating back to Mesoamerica’s golden age, and it was an indispensable element in the most important ceremonies and rituals at that time. Nowadays, it is used to accompany a traditional sweet and is served hot.

Nuégados, sweet plantain and chilate.
Nuégados, sweet plantain and chilate. Foto por ElSalvadorViajar.

According to tradition, it is prepared with toasted corn flour, water, ginger, and pepper. The cooking time is only 15 minutes.

7. Cashew Seed Atol (Atol de Semilla de Marañón)

Cashew Seed Atol is ideal at any time of the day. However, the experience is more intense and delicious during the night, and this is the best time to enjoy its aroma and characteristic flavor.

The main ingredients to prepare this variety of atol are cinnamon, milk, nutmeg, sugar, salt, and cashew seeds. This typical drink is ready in every corner of El Salvador.

8. Hot Chocolat

One of the most loved and consumed typical drinks by Salvadorans, and they can take it at breakfast, snack, or dinner. The “chocolate de tablilla,” as it is also known, is made from the cocoa bean, a heritage of the indigenous people that have been used very well. The production of cocoa is typical of the department of Sonsonate and Usulután.

Salvadoran drinks. Salvadoran chocolate.
Salvadoran drinks. Salvadoran chocolate. Foto por ElSalvadorViajar.

The cocoa seed is roasted, and cinnamon, almonds, and sugar are added. You can find this type of chocolate in any store or supermarket; many enjoy drinking it by dipping bread.

9. Punch (Ponche)

The punch is a mixture of several ingredients, such as nutmeg, egg, milk, cinnamon, lemon, and sugar, put to boil in a clay pot over low heat. Then the special touch, “el piquete,” is added, usually a few drops of rum, vodka, or tequila to taste.

It is a traditional drink in the towns and is usually consumed during the patron saint festivities.

Typical cold drinks of El Salvador

In addition to atol and hot drinks, other typical drinks are also protagonists in the customs and traditions of the country.

10. Tamarind Refreshment (fresco)

This delicious fresh drink, prepared with the seeds of the fruit, is one of the typical drinks drunk at lunch or in the afternoons, especially by children when they leave school. They accompany it with different foods.

Besides its delicious flavor, tamarind has a high nutritional value in vitamins C, E, and B1.

11. Barley Refreshment (Fresco de Cebada)

It is a drink with an incomparable flavor. It is pink and can be bought prepared in many Salvadoran streets. The curious thing is that we don’t make it with barley flour, but there is a special preparation of wheat flour that contains the essence of strawberry and vanilla. This preparation is liquefied with a bit of milk to give it a denser texture.

Barley Refreshment
Barley Refreshment. Foto por ElSalvadorViajar.

Although barley flour is not used every day in the country, the name is maintained, and it is undoubtedly one of the most consumed drinks of all Salvadorans.

12. Horchata

Horchata is one of the typical drinks, the favorite of Salvadorans on the year’s hottest days. Like the atol, some variants stand out: Fresco de horchata de ajonjolí, coconut, morro, and rice horchata.

Horchata and drinks of El Salvador.
Horchata and drinks of El Salvador. Foto por @hsoriano a través de Twenty20.

Because of the above, horchata can have ayote seeds, nuts, cinnamon, coriander seeds, pepper, and more.

13. Hibiscus Refreshment (Fresco de Jamaica)

Fresh hibiscus is undoubtedly one of the most refreshing and healthy drinks for Salvadorans. It is prepared by boiling the hibiscus flower, also known as hibiscus. It is strained, and sugar is added to taste, ideal for hot summer afternoons.

 Hibiscus Refreshment
Hibiscus Refreshment Foto por marycarmenm. Wikimedia Commons.

14. Carao Refreshment

This soft drink has two sides; either you love or hate it. It has a high percentage of vitamins and minerals, recommended for people with kidney problems or anemia; the flavor is unique and special, in addition to the smell.

It is made with honey from carao pods, then add water and sugar to taste and ready a fresh, rich drink that will help your immune system.

15. Chan Refreshment

It is prepared with chia seeds and added lemon and lemon essence. It is a highly refreshing drink recommended for people who want to lose weight.

16. Poleada Milk

Leche poleada is not only a typical drink but is also considered one of the most emblematic sweets prepared in El Salvador. Depending on the region, it can be equipped with cornstarch or rice flour.

Added whole milk, egg yolks, vanilla, cinnamon powder, cinnamon stick, salt, and sugar; add to this ingredient. The result is a sweet, energizing, and very nutritious drink.

17. Nance Liqueur

Who would have imagined that from a fruit smaller than an olive could be made a drink as exquisite as Licor de Nance! And that is the truth. Traditionally, in El Salvador, this liqueur has been produced artisanally.

A drink is commonly served in celebrations of all kinds and at any time. Its preparation only requires nance fruits, water, and sugar when extracting the juice, which is then left to ferment.

It is also a fruit used to make candy, another delicacy within Salvadoran gastronomy that you can not miss.

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