▷ NATIONAL BIRD OF EL SALVADOR » Torogoz. Union and Peace.

The National Bird of El Salvador is the Torogoz. Chosen in 1999 due to its colorful plumage, but above all, for its representation of family and union. Being a bird dedicated to the family represents one of the Salvadorans' essential values.

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Since October 21, 1999, by Legislative Decree, the Torogoz has been known as the National Bird of El Salvador. Its colorful plumage, trill, behavior in its environment, and its characteristics, in general, make it a unique species.

Learn more details about this beautiful bird that has become a symbol of unity and is part of the eight patriotic symbols of El Salvador.

National Bird of El Salvador

NATIONAL BIRD OF EL SALVADOR - Torogoz. Original photo by Gerwin Filius (Flickr) and Ricardo Ardon (Unsplash).

Main Characteristics of the National Bird of El Salvador

The National Bird, popularly known as Torogoz or Talapo, is a species belonging to the family of mummotids. Its scientific name is Eumomota Superciliosa, which is characterized by measuring approximately 34 cm and weighing 65 grams.

The torogoz National Bird of El Salvador
The torogoz, National Bird of El Salvador. Photo by Elías Rodas at Pixabay.

Its plumage in the back area is usually green, reddish on the belly, and a set of colors that highlight its beauty. Such shades vary between green, iridescent, yellow, orange, black, and white.

Similarly, in her eyes, there is a form outline in light blue. The same appears again on the neck with its peculiar black mark. The ends of the feathers are present in its wings.

Of all the physical characteristics of the National Bird, its tail stands out incredibly. You can see two extensive feathers in which you can see the rachis without a plume until it reaches the end, where it is wide and striking. Just in this area, the plumage is mostly black with a touch of light blue that enhances its beauty.

On the other hand, it usually shakes its tail with movements similar to a pendulum when it feels in danger. Given this behavior, it has been called the clock bird or tho in Yucatan.

Habitat and reproduction of Torogoz

The National Bird or Torogoz inhabits Central American countries ranging from Yucatan in Mexico to Panama. In El Salvador, you can find it in the departments of Morazán, La Unión, and Chalatenango.

National Bird of El Salvador
National Bird of El Salvador. Photo by JoAnn Miller. Wikimedia Commons.

However, its habitat consists of coastal forests, scrublands, and the edges of jungles where natural formations such as ravines can be seen. If found in rural areas, it usually perches on wires or power lines to wag its tail and attract prey.

In this sense, it feeds on insects, small reptiles, and fruits. On the other hand, they build their nests on limestone rocks or inside the ground. The most common places are the banks of rivers or the shores of trails.

Curiously, they deposit their eggs directly in the nest they build on the ground or rocks for incubation. To mate, they emit a song that can hear far away to attract their mate.

Although it usually sings daily, in May and June, it is more intense because it is the time when it reproduces.

Significance of the National Bird of El Salvador

The Torogoz was chosen as the National Bird of El Salvador thanks to its characteristics and behavior. The latter is unique among all bird species based on its function as a parent of its offspring.

It collaborates in the incubation process and can take care of its chicks until they learn to fly. This unusual behavior was considered when it was declared National Bird and what it means for El Salvador, and here we tell you about it.

It represents freedom

The National Bird is a species that cannot breed in captivity, so it can’t grow and develop to its full potential in such conditions. Its survival lies in the sense of freedom it possesses, which is the same that motivated the country’s independence.

Torogoz in nature
Torogoz in nature. Photo by Gerwin Filius. Flickr.

Torogoz represents the heroes’ struggle and their dedication to freedom on the battlefield.

Respect and collaboration

The Torogoz is the only species of bird that collaborates and helps in the care of its family. From the moment it gets its mate to respect her until the end of its life. It behaves the same way as other birds, never attacking any of its kind.

This unusual National Bird stands out for its sense of collaboration because it does not leave its mate alone during its breeding season. It can stay in the nest as long as necessary to protect its chicks.

Family unity

Union and family are the principles and values that inspire the Torogoz. The fact that it acquires a dynamic behavior as a father in the care of its young has made it a tangible example and importance of the father figure.

Colorful Torogoz
Colorful Torogoz. Photo by david diaz at Pixabay.

Symbol of peace

Finally, the National Bird represents peace and harmony and cannot attack birds of the same or another species. You can also find this meaning in national symbols such as the Flag and the National Coat of Arms.

El Salvador has had more than one National Bird?

The torogoz is the only bird declared as a national bird. However, before being granted recognition, they chose this species from a list of a magpie, chiltota, and dichoso fui, among others.

Chiltota, another of El Salvador’s important birds. Photo by gary_leavens. Wikimedia Commons.

Unlike other countries, El Salvador has an endangered species as its National Bird. Therefore, it is the obligation of the people and governmental entities to protect and watch over its survival. It includes the protection of its habitat and the fact that it is not allowed to keep it in captivity.

This premise extends to Nicaragua, another Central American country that recognized the Torogoz as a National Bird under Guardabarranco.

So if you visit El Salvador, you must take advantage of its forests, mountains, and other natural sites. You will be able to enjoy the colorful beauty of this bird, which amazes everyone.

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